our firm is here to help you.
New Hampshire Aggravated DWI Attorneys
Strong Representation for Your Case
An aggravated DUI/DWI charge can be brought if the driver is going more than 30 mph over the speed limit, attempts to elude the officer, causes an accident resulting in serious injury to themselves or someone else, or has a blood alcohol level at or over .16. This is set out in N.H. RSA 265-A:3. Aggravated DUI is a Class A misdemeanor because it involves jail time – a minimum of 5 days and up to one year. The minimum fine for aggravated DUI is $750, and the minimum loss of license is 18 months, of which 6 months can be suspended.
In addition to these penalties, a person convicted of aggravated DWI/DUI will be required to install an ignition interlock device when they are finally reinstated. This is a serious charge that requires a team of experience lawyers to defend you. Our New Hampshire aggravated DWI attorneys at Douglas, Leonard & Garvey, P.C. can advocate for you and help you seek a lighter sentence.
If you’ve been charged for an aggravated DWI, you need legal representation. Contact us online or call (603) 288-1403 for help.
How We Can Help
Contact a New Hampshire DWI lawyer at Douglas, Leonard & Garvey, P.C. to aggressively defend against your DWI arrest. Our experienced attorneys will represent you in court and administrative license suspension hearings.
Call our New Hampshire aggravated DWI attorneys for free today at (603) 288-1403.
Our Client Stories
"You are my hero!"
Our client recently wrote Attorney Ben King a lovely note: "Ben, Thank you for all your good work and counsel on behalf of my ...
- Ronald G. Wiesenthal -
"Best lawyer I ever could have asked for to represent me!"
Benjamin King was the best lawyer I ever could have asked for to represent me, because he was passionate and knowledgeable about fighting discrimination. He believed me and fought for me.
- Kate Frederick -
"Kevin Has Been Wonderful!"
I'm happy with the result and would recommend the firm to anyone in need of someone that will truly fight for them.
- Brandie Gonthier -
"The Law Firm that WINS for you, when other Law Firms can't, BEST of the BEST!!"
Whatever you do, hire this Law Office to fight for you and WIN. When other Law Offices tell you they will win, they don't, this Law Office and Ben King won a very intricate case.
- Tom C